
Health is Wealth- October is Wellness Month


There are a lot of things that make a better you. Some may seem obvious but ignoring them can produce detrimental effects in your life. They range from avoiding negative body talk to doing workouts in the morning and many other things. At least, there is something that you can do every day to keep fit and make the most of your body to remain productive at all times. Here are some of the best wellness tips for a better you in 2020-2021. 

  1. Make an Effort to Stay Happy

Having a positive mood is good for your wellbeing. It is all in the mindset. Purpose to remain positive and avoid things that will make you sad. Look for life hacks that will help you remain happy at all times. Boosting your mood is important to your body wellness. Everything is in the mind. If the mind registers sadness, it is unlikely that your body will respond positively even to the food you eat or anything else you do.

  1. Workout your Body and Muscles

Do some exercises, especially early in the morning. You need this to burn fat in your body and stay healthy. Therefore, rise and make sure that you sweat each day of your life. Body exercises help keep your heart fit and generally for blood flow circulation throughout your body.

  1. Avoid Negative Talk

Your attitude towards your body and yourself in general counts a lot to your overall health. Therefore, you should watch how you talk about yourself. Negative talk could be the only thing that will put you down in 2020. You need to keep off negative talk if you want to stay healthy and fit. Again, it is all in the mind. Remaining positive in life and saying good things about yourself will help you remain fit.

  1. Use Natural Products

Natural deodorants over synthetic ones are recommended for wellness. Part of the problems we have in our bodies are brought about by products that hurt our skin. Therefore, your wellness will not be complete until you start using natural products for skin care and other applications.

  1. Practice Self Care

There are a lot of things to do to make self-care work for you. Everything you do should be geared towards caring for yourself. For that reason, it will be important to check your lifestyle and watch how you manage your body. Consider moving your body and meditation to help you relax and keep healthy.

  1. Watch What you Eat

Food is the best medicine. However, some foods are a health hazard. Avoid eating lots of fast-foods especially during travel. For that reason, make sure you plan your travels well and develop a healthy routine to get what you need in between tight schedules.

  1. Avoid Stress

Life has a lot of stressful activities but you can manage it and put off anything that can easily induce it.  Plan your time and only take up activities that you can manage to avoid piling pressure on yourself. That will help give your body an easy time. Your body will perform optimally when it is under no or less stress.

Your financial well-being, or overall financial situation, is unique to you. Often, we equate how well we’re doing financially with how much money we make, our credit score, or overall net worth. In reality, your financial well-being is determined by factors that tell a larger story about your relationship to money. This includes how well you’re able to stay on top of your financial obligations, how secure you feel about your financial future, and ultimately whether you have the freedom to make financial choices that allow you to enjoy your life.

The story you tell about your finances doesn’t need to be a scary one. We’ve pulled together 25 easy-to-follow tips for getting a handle on your money and improving your overall financial well-being.

  1. Use a Budget

Your goal is to develop a budget based on your monthly income, expenses and savings, and then live within your means. Should a shortfall occur, choose to adjust your budget rather than rely on a credit card. If your budget cannot be adjusted, your savings will need to cover the expense but work hard to get back on track the following month.

  1. Be Aware of How You Spend Your Money

Review your purchases. Make adjustments if you notice expenditures not aligned with your budget. For example, if you are spending money on daily coffee or you are eating out more than cooking at home, making small behavioral changes in these two areas can get you and your budget back on track.

  1. Automate Your Savings

Always pay yourself first. An easy way to do this is to set up an automatic deposit or transfer into a separate account. Treat it like any other bill and make a regular monthly payment toward it. 

  1. Build Your Savings

Emergencies are inevitable. They are the “rainy day” you hear people talking about. Your savings account is the helping hand you are looking for when the need arises. A good rule of thumb is to have a minimum of six months of income stashed in your savings. As we said in Tip #3, Start by automating your savings and let it build over time. 

  1. Plan for Major Purchases

Big purchases have hefty price tags. If you plan to take a trip or buy a large-ticket item like a washer/dryer or a new car, adjust your budget to build your savings specifically for the item you have your sights set on. This is separate from your regular savings you are building for emergencies.

  1. Save Early for Retirement

Saving for retirement requires planning on your part. Just like Tip #3 suggests, make funding your retirement savings automated as well. Even a small contribution has the potential to grow into a large nest egg−the key is allowing your money to grow over time. If your employer offers a 401(k) plan, take advantage of it along with any employer contributions. Another advantage of your 401(k) is the pre-tax savings on your earnings. Doubly smart!

  1. Handle Credit With Care

Use credit wisely. This means not overusing it, and paying off credit card balances each month. A great tip for accomplishing this is to set a monthly limit and stick to it.

Your credit score is another critical part of your financial well-being. Things like late payments, too much debt or high balances negatively affect your credit score. Keep watch over your credit report and credit score with a free annual credit report from

  1. Keep Financial Records

Develop a system for keeping your financial records in order. Items like receipts, pay stubs, tax records, banking and insurance information and any other documentation that is relevant to your financial situation should be stored securely but easily accessible. Programs like our Money Maximizer on our Digital Banking will help you to keep your budget, set spending limits and view all of your financial accounts. 

  1. Ask for Advice

Financial planning is not reserved for wealthy individuals managing investments. Call and talk to your local Prairie State Bank & Trust employee to get set up with an appointment today!